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Century Routes
Hi All,
On the hunt for some good century + routes if anyone has some to share that would be great, so far cobbled together a couple but should anyone have any recommendations that would be amazing.
Myself and 2 others are now looking at a weekly 100m+ ride setting off at 6am every sunday now if any others fancy joining,
Its a mellow 16mph pace as we are all training for london to paris 24hr in 8 weeks and we have to make a jump in mileage now.
any help much appr
(I have the deny already
On the hunt for some good century + routes if anyone has some to share that would be great, so far cobbled together a couple but should anyone have any recommendations that would be amazing.
Myself and 2 others are now looking at a weekly 100m+ ride setting off at 6am every sunday now if any others fancy joining,
Its a mellow 16mph pace as we are all training for london to paris 24hr in 8 weeks and we have to make a jump in mileage now.
any help much appr
(I have the deny already

heres one we did a couple of years ago going round cambridge/newmarket as lejog training.
wicken fen
I haven't actually tried it yet so can't say whether it's any good or not...!
I'm half tempted to join you but was planning on more like 14-15mph rather than 16mph...
This is a great ride ( It's probably quite similar to the chiltern 100 route) but you may want to adapt it slightly
Might make a couple but not this Sunday. Update the post please to let us know start points and route.
In return I will post a start time on friday eve for those that are interested.
many thanks
If so the latter, do you want to download my other rides for the club archive?
Will sort the ELY route now.
P.S. JOHN. there is no need to start a 100 miler at 6am. We normally start the longer rides at 8.00am or 8.30am.
there is a good pub in Balsham in the high street called the Bell. Suggest comfort break at Hatfield Forest..great views and banana/energy bar stop. Lunch at The Bell. Ready for a ripping section from Balsham to Fulbourn. Gloriously fast road , reminds me of some French roads. Back through The Shelfords. On a nice day this route has everything. Hillyish first half so pace it easier and then let rip for back half.
Have Fun.
My post was for routes which people have been most helpful.
My invitation to join should anyone wish I believe was courteous given responses and is no means to detract from club run starts.
John I understand you need your beauty sleep on a weekend x
Still, as mentioned above, I may be able to wash off the moisturiser and cucumber eye patches on a couple of days and join you.
Did you see my review of the Fratello I whispered back to you on the Phoenix thread?
Best of all, they do them in orange.
I guess I can summise by saying that a condor fratello would be an excellent choice of bike for a CENTURY ride then.
Much obliged, buntingford corner a10 / hare st by the co op. 6.45 start Sunday for a 100miler for those that are interested.