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Ashwell Wells-next-the-Sea ride, Fri 2nd Sept 2011, 8:00am
Hello all
I'm just putting a note up for this end-of-summer ride on Friday 2nd September.
It's great to have a destination ride and seaside Wells makes a good place to aim for. 93 or so miles of [mostly!] pan flat Norfolk lanes, fish and chips on the coast and then a mid-afternoon 30 mile tootle to King's Lynn, to return on the train [bikes are permitted - no problem] to Ashwell and nearby stations for about 7pm.
Leaving at about 8am from Ashwell.
Yes - it seems like a long way - but the total ascent is equivalent to climbing the middle Therfield Coombe Hill just four times for the entire ride.
Club run pace. Good fun. Speak to me, Peter G or MC about last year if you fancy it.
Something to think about if you want to train for Belgium! A nice long, often canal-side ride if you're not going to Belgium!
Note: this is the day after the evening Grass Track event.
And, if the weather forecast is poor - I might cancel. It supposed to be fun!
I'm just putting a note up for this end-of-summer ride on Friday 2nd September.
It's great to have a destination ride and seaside Wells makes a good place to aim for. 93 or so miles of [mostly!] pan flat Norfolk lanes, fish and chips on the coast and then a mid-afternoon 30 mile tootle to King's Lynn, to return on the train [bikes are permitted - no problem] to Ashwell and nearby stations for about 7pm.
Leaving at about 8am from Ashwell.
Yes - it seems like a long way - but the total ascent is equivalent to climbing the middle Therfield Coombe Hill just four times for the entire ride.
Club run pace. Good fun. Speak to me, Peter G or MC about last year if you fancy it.
Something to think about if you want to train for Belgium! A nice long, often canal-side ride if you're not going to Belgium!
Note: this is the day after the evening Grass Track event.
And, if the weather forecast is poor - I might cancel. It supposed to be fun!
Pencil me in,
if you mean club run pace
and the weather is ok
Have fun.
It all depends on whether or not she has an unmovable meeting pop up on that day, in which case I'll be entertaining my kids instead - fingers crossed because it sounds like a a grand day out.
Crackin' lack of vertical ascent Gromit!
Last year we averaged 17.2mph. Comfortable summer club run speed. We should cruise well along Ten Mile Bank.
Likely a midday stop-off around Narborough. You'd better pack a butty. As I think MC's gran said it best, 'There ain't nowt in Narborough'. We will pop through Ely beforehand too.
Would it be OK if I posted this ride on the Hitchin Nomads facebook site and see if there are any other Nomad takers?
Yeh - Three Tuns, Ashwell. cheers!
Can someone tell Bob about this ride? I think he might like it - but doesn't surf the information super-motorway to read the forum.
Fri, 2nd Sept, 8am @ The Three Tuns. Pack a noon butty and cash for the train back.
Anyone else fancy it - drop a note here.
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly now on board!
Bagsy John Cassavetes if you do!
Am wondering if we have the time for "Excite them". There's not much slack after the haddock, chips, mushy peas before we need to get a move on. One for social secretary Scouse to sort out.
Here's the route from Wells to Kings Lynn train station;
29 miles. Bar a lump when entering Kings Lynn itself, there's a terrific 10 miles or more of gentle downhills and flat stuff on smooth road at the end. We'll deserve it.
The 5.35pm train gets to Ashwell station at 6.51pm. We should aim for that I think. Giving us a likely 30-45 mins in Wells. But note - the 6.35pm gets in 7.48pm - so no major trauma if we miss it.
Vic, I had you down as Chevy Chase in The Three Amigos!
May well come along myself depending on whether I can change my holiday dates.
Might be in danger of swamping the railways with bikes? Don't use the train very often (read once in a blue moon), is there not normally a limit on the number of bikes they can carry?
Dirty dozen, more like a baker's dozen.
Good point. There's no official limit on bikes per train. Our train journey and time is technically fine for bikes. And the official FCC policy says, 'We welcome passengers with bicycles on services where they can be safely accommodated.'. More info here if you want.
So if we get a safety jobsworth - I could imagine they could probably ask if we don't all pile on one train. If so, I don't mind having a pint at Kings Lynn and getting the following train. Am sure there'd be others who'd do the same. I also think it might be good to remove bike wheels on the platform, spread across carriages - and generally show willing, as a courtesy.
From recollection, the train isn't busy at that time. As many people got off at Cambridge, as got on. Me, Pete and MC had a fun time in our carriage with Downham Lads U-13 footy team last year - trying to nick our beer.
I say let's see how it goes anyway. I'm not sure we'll get 12-13 on the day - though it would be brilliant if we did.
happy to sacrifice early train and force a beer down me neck to allow non dirty dozen, good bad and ugly, mag 7 honchos to get on back to the ranch.