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Nathaniel Rosa
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- Nathaniel Rosa
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1x Free Ranger pls + mash
Proper good fun that! Thanks for organising it. Amazing to see so many people out!
8 out (at one point) nice to see everyone
I now have to go to a meeting Fri morning =( so can't make it! Sorry. One of the best rides of the year...!
Oooo I'm working this weekend but Hadleigh definitely interests...
Lovely evening really nice to see everyone!
edit - ah bugger I'm not free sunday. Enjoy it see you on an offroad ride soon!
Hoping to be out!
Big day out!! It's on the calendar - hope to be fit enough
Was good in the end. Very quiet out. Essex lanes, so good quality wide roads, no wind exposure until the last leg from fowlmere and just drizzle, no rain 95km ish
We're doing this route https://connect.garmin.com/modern/course/141845370 Meeting Wallington/Sandon crossroads @ 9.30am Reply here before midnight if you plan on joining I'll PM my number. Forecast is usually wrong so hopefully not too wet lol. An…
Me + 1 other still want to get out on the road tomorrow - anyone else interested?
If I'm not away - yep !
https://www.flammerouge.cc/product/3141/trek-marlin-5/ These come highly recommended apparently, and come with a bike attached!
Fantastic, hope to make it. Look forward to trying this cafe!
Yes please
Depends if we leave on time doesn't it? I'll try remember to drop a location pin on WhatsApp!
**Now 8am** Currently: Nat Carmelo Tim Matt P Vincent John Thorpe Will Rob B
Pics here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/k8y0khh6k1fhzhv/AACIM3trYPWfi6a_VkKz8Zv_a?dl=0
Will meet you at bygrave!
I look forward to being able to join these if the bike shop ever fixes my mountain bike! Is there per chance a strava/garmin link to this ride - where I can then nab the course off of? Always looking for new offroad routes! many thanks.
I have a session5 Fits snug under k-edge garmin/gopro mount. Good image, I think it has stabilisation, which I remember as being decent enough Ease of use? One button and a loud beep that you can here while riding to know it's on/off. Easy as that…
Hi Martin I’d like to ride (Just for the social aspect) but I’ll just hold a good distance off the back as it’s now over 6 people (and I’m not yet subbed up so take 0 priority!!) Will no doubt not be able to keep up with no draft but …
Cheers for posting the route dan, rode it today as it skims where I live. Best fun on bike ever!!
Yep! I'll keep an eye on this thread. Letchworth 'area'. Same position as Will ^
Thanks Matt ^ RE: COVID Happy to help in Letchworth/Baldock/Hitchin-area if anyone is having to isolate and needs shopping, etc. Drop me a whatsapp: zero se.ven 595300074
So apparently you can actually go as easy or as hard as you like and it keeps everyone together (within a few meters)! There was no need to hold wheels last week. Hahaha! You learn something every day. So these rides would be inclusive for someone i…
Who’s on tonight? I’ll try to make it. Deffo not pressing on (My bike only has big ring working atm so if inclines get too hard I’ll just roll off back no worries about me)
Dan pm'd - thanks very much!!