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Jamie Red Van Man
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- Jamie Red Van Man
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Sam Quiggin for 12th please. £4 paid
Wow, a Welwyn Wheelers take over. I think we’ll need some Ashwellians present to redress the balance!
Once sold drop me a line at Flamme Rouge - club discounts available on the new 1030
Sam rode well in the under 12's. Unfortunately Mark couldn't make it. There was a break from the first lap which he tried to chase but no-one would work with him. Throughout the race he was in the bunch, chasing down some ill-conceived attacks and st…
We've just finished pricing up all the items for the sale tomorrow. There are some awesome deals in there.... few examples below: Dura Ace chainset for £200 anyone? How about half price Powertap products? Cheapest Tacx turbo trainers in the…
Price dropped to £1200. Grab yourself a bargain!
slight change for Sunday in that we'll be running the session from 10-12 rather than 9-12. This should allow those with a Saturday night planned to have a bit more of a lie in! See you Sunday!
The final session of our spring summer bookings is on this Sunday from 9-11am at the Welwyn Velodrome. There are still some spaces left if anyone wants to join in.
Thank you for the kind words and feedback ideas. Like Steve I also saw some near misses in the open riding as over enthusiastic riders cut in and out of youngsters. Martin, that Tarmac was repaired, you should have seen it a few weeks back! All oth…
Thank you to everyone that took part and helped at todays races. Both the racing and weather were good and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. Last year was a journey into the unknown, however it felt like things were a little slicker this year. Be…
It's raining already in Welwyn and forecast to continue for most of the day. Therefore for safety reasons we have decided to cancel this afternoons session at Gosling Velodrome. Spaces are left on the final session on July 10th. Sign up if you w…
Yep - will keep an eye on the weather
We've booked the big yellow thing in the sky for the event!
15 signed up for this Sundays session on the doodle poll. More spaces available for budding track riders. We have a planned a fun session including skills and speed/endurance activities. Track is booked from 4pm and the session lasts 2 hours - only …
Details for tomorrows session at Welwyn Velodrome. Please arrive by 3:45 as we will be starting warm up at 4:00 sharp and access to the track will be limited once the session starts. I've not managed to arrange loan bikes from Welwyn Wheelers so the…
Quick update. 3rd April session cancelled Unfortunately there has been a low number of people signed up for the first session at Gosling, meaning its not cost effective to go ahead with the booking. I guess we were a little optimistic to book a sess…
Thanks Jonathan Last year the council implemented some last minute repairs where there were pot holes and cracks. The worst area was around the Library and cinema corners. I'll pop up and have a look, then let the powers that be know if there are lik…
It was fantastic to see you all yesterday. I hope you enjoyed the coffee! Jane was so covered in mud that she looked as if she had taken a shortcut across a ploughed field on the way up. We'll be opening Sunday's from March, as ever you are all alwa…
That would be great - but suggest you leave the 9.30 vist it til nearer Easter as that's when we will open Sundays
Bringing this back to the top and with an update for you all.... The first shop for Flamme Rouge is nearly ready to open and its looking awesome. I really am starting to believe my own hype as well. In the run up to the launch I'm looking for some …
Hi Stuart, We are only able to publish the top 5 at this stage. Unfortunately the CCA lads were outside this. The judging was complicated by lapped riders being instructed to pull out by the commissaires, whcih wasn't as expected. Sorry - I'm going…
Trisports had a great shot of Sophie riding to her win - look at this link: https://scontent-lhr3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xtf1/v/t1.0-9/11140190_10153393555717048_1675257779561823166_n.jpg?oh=68ccab6f6066eb97a577abae61a2c2d9&oe=55FB0EED
Right then - some exclusives on the results front. Not officially published yet but from a CCA youth perspective we have them ready: U8 Boys 2nd Rhys Cairns 6th Finlay Bracewell U10 Boys 3rd Mark Lightfoot 6th Joseph Hadsley 10th Samuel Quiggin 13…
If any of you would like me to run a mini-coaching session for the pop up session, I'd be happy to. Perhaps a mix of some skills and racing activities. Let me know if you are interested and I'll plan you a session Jamie
I would recommend Leda Cox - she is a soft tissue specialist and physio. Fixed my calf problem of 3 years in 2 sessions! I can send you her details - just PM me Jamie
Great weekend riding had by all. 6 CCA Dad's & Lads on tour - Dave Hadsley, Travis & Shelton Pell, myself, Pete Hanlon (Nomads), Basti Kroll (Stevenage CC) On Friday we tackled some of the Flanders route as a leg loosener - Oude Kwaremont, Pa…
The roubaix machine is looking a little unused.... Does your buddy have any more of these?
You can get a day license for £5 at the event http://www.britishcycling.org.uk/road/article/roa20120127-road-Single-Day-Racing-Licences-–-Road---Track-0
The BC online entry system is now up and running. 1 entry so far - Samuel in the U10's! Link below: Click here to enter the Letchworth Grand Prix
There is a shop in Bedoin at the bottom of the climb. Can't comment on the quality or bikes as I rode past in a blur last year in a thunder storm. But well located! https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@44.125233,5.180886,3a,75y,55.53h,83.05t/data=!3m4!1e1…