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Belgium 2011



  • shirts...
    think polo shirts are a good idea, i'd like one

    Jeremy - some people want special edition jerseys as well, like we've had in the past, but not everyone.
    because there is no regular kit order imminent, and we wont make the minimum cost for discounts, these will be a bit more than usual
    to be confirmed but approx 60 quid for a regular jersey, 90 for pro-fit.

    i think there are 6 takers at the moment - let me know asap if you want one too and i'll get the order sorted.

    by the way if you can make it are you a single room or share a twin?
  • 1 Am now a definitely definite

    2 Prefer a single room

    3 Aww g'wan: put me down for a regular jersey.
  • edited June 2011
    On the Polo shirt thread we now seem to have several requests for these CCA shirts...polo and sweat shirts.

    One of our Club Coaches Mark Read has a business doing these...embroidery and print....He did our coaches kit...waterproof/sweat and polo.....I can ask for prices because I can certainly say the quality is good....
  • Geoff,

    Can you do that please then. I was planning to talk to the guy we use for work stuff on Monday but if Mark can do a good deal then I'll back off.

    There seem to be a few people interested in polos etc but you need to get quite a lot of stuff ordered to offset the setup costs.

  • will do Darren......don't think it is too bad......let's chat about design ideas you had and we'll put these on here for people to agree
  • Guys, if you really want this to happen you need to sort your numbers out and your design QUICK! Or this just won't happen, this is the silly season for kit ordering and the lead times go up daily. You are cutting it very fine my friends! As soon as you give me final numbers I can get quotes. Hopefully I can top up the order with club stock to increase discount. Only thing is we have one order just about to arrive, but I will try. Will need to speak to Steve re: funds.

    Let me know QUICK!!!!

    Ps - off to France next week so maybe ensure it's all ready for my return?
  • edited June 2011
    PPS- I am obviously talking about cycling jerseys and NOT polo shirts. Whoever takes that mantle up is welcome to take the club kit on as well ;-)
  • kit... 7 people want jerseys... all regulars i think given the price's though i need to check - pete/mc - are you regular or pro?

    so 7 is the final number.

    design to follow
  • Stef,

    Regular Medium for me.

  • Stef, I ordered a SMALL PRO.
  • Jeremy - shirt, what size - medium ? thanks
  • talked to Jeremy today at grass track...he said large
  • Geoff is right - large for me (although spending whole weekends eating crap and watching my daughter race grasstrack the size will creep up if I'm not careful.)
  • Trasnport.
    Richard, Jeremy and me driving.

    Richard/Jeremy - can you book your cars on eurotunnel, I'm booked on the following -

    Friday 16th Sept, folkestone to calais, depart: 07:50, arrive: 09:25
    Sunday 18th Sept, calais to folkestone, depart: 16:42, arrive: 16:17.

    £91, a whole £1 less than last year...
  • should have said , 11 going as it stands, so 3 cars and no need for the trailer,

    i took mc, pete and vince last year and happy to repeat again, pete - can we use one of your thule roofrack bike carriers to add to my 3.

    the shirt order is in, richard has sorted the routes, and hotel is booked so we are good to go...
    richard will need a balance cheque from you at some point, he'll be in touch.
  • Stef, pleasure.
  • I have two further colleagues at work who may want to join us. As we are only 11 this year does anyone have any objection?
  • more law it is then...is that going to make it the Inns of Court or the Court of Inns?? :-) there's going to be some empty pockets after the rides I predict
    we are an inclusive club Richard so welcome
  • Tunnel Booked,

  • Tunnel Booked,

  • ok guys - i need your cash for shirts:

    good news, i got a discount after all:

    regular shirts = £39.50
    pro shirts = £64


    Cheque to cycle club ashwell please
  • Thanks for getting shirts sorted Kit, and managing to get the discount - great news. Thanks to martin for the (still secret) design.

    Guys who ordered shirts - dont make Kits job even more difficult by making him chase you up, get a cheque to him as soon as you can. Thanks
  • Thanks for getting shirts sorted Kit, and managing to get the discount - great news. Thanks to martin for the (still secret) design.

    Guys who ordered shirts - dont make Kits job even more difficult by making him chase you up, get a cheque to him as soon as you can. Thanks
  • In the post

  • Excellent - I'll get a cheque in the post in the morning - but where do I send it?
  • i'll email you all with details where to send the cheque for the shirts.
    think i've got everyones email address, except adam challis

    adam - mine is stefan_dixon at hotmail dot com - send me an email and i'll reply with the details, thanks.
  • Thanks Stef - very much appreciated - have emailed you.
  • shirt money sorted and given to Steve...thanks Stef
  • Have dropped off a cheque at Steve's house.

  • Cheque dropped off at Steve's last night.

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