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CC Ashwell London 'Belgium' Xmas, Fri 6th Dec 2013

If anyone fancies a very informal seasonal babble about bikes with a Flanders flava, I'll be at Look Mum No Hands on Friday afternoon 6th Dec, probably a slow, late lunch then a meander to Dovetail late afternoon to then end up in Belgo [Chalk Farm] for moules-frites. Then the train home.
A simple plan, to allow for a bit of 'off-roading'. Possible nightcap in Baldock I guess. Or rave up at SG8 in Royston. Has anyone ever been?!!
I hope to see you at some point along the way!
Buy one bottle of Popperinge Hommelbier from the Dovetail...
Get two hours of lost memory absolutely free.
I never saw this deal when we cycled through Popperinge a bit lost on our CCA trips. Maybe we could 'drink the ride'? Richard's 100 mile route. I'll see if there's a Diksmuide Dubbel. And a Kemmelberg Kola.
By the way I would also have been in if it was a bike ride to Belgium and train back.
Perhaps I'll have to wait until next Autumn for a Belgium trip. We are going to do that right?
So - Friday 6th December. Game on! All welcome. I reckon on getting to LMNH for maybe 2pm. I thought we could give the owners a commemorative CCA cap for Services To Cycling. A stop off in the Jerusalem Tavern maybe after on the way to the Dovetail to be there definitely for 6pm to pick up those unable to get an afternoon off.
I thought at the Dovetail we could get a couple of Boris Bikes and have a Slow Race knockout championship, just going up the walkway outside the Dovetail. I'm revealing this now having been spotted secret training track stands on a Boris by James D.
We could eat at Dovetail actually - a thought. Or get ourselves to Camden for moules and dirty boigers.
Great news!
I've been in touch with Lewin at LMNH about presenting him with a CCA cap. He has cordially and kindly invited the CC Ashwell posse to the Look Mum No Hands Christmas party on Friday evening! How about that then? Seems like too good a thing to miss really?
It's at their Hackney cafe from 7pm. Their Old Street cafe is closing at 5pm so they can get over. So, I suggest we start at the Old St LMNH, make our way to the Dovetail for a little while, then taxi or Bozza Bike it over around 7:30pm to the par-tay to mix it up with the East London cyclinistas. It's quite possibly the coollest, hottest cycle-based Christmas party in town. Cool babes, trendy blokes and us.
We'll work out food somehow. Maybe Dovetail. Also, Lewin recommends anything brewed by Kernel or Beavertown at the Old St cafe.
Game on!
I know it's a Belgian Xmas, but any room for a 'Dutchman'?!
Also, how do I know what you blokes look like outside of CCA kit?!
As for me. I have a typical cyclist's build- 6 feet 3 and 16 stone!!
From 2pm at Old St LMNH, I think we'll be easy to spot. I might wear me CCA cap throughout.
From 5-7:30ish, we'll be the eedyats outside Dovetail having a slow race.
At the party, we'll be the sore thumb MAMILs looking either like plain clothes police looking for drugs, or lost dress-down City folk who love Wapha.
Er....'dress down city folk who love Wapha'.
Guilty as charged....except I don't work in the City...I did for 23 years but moved to West End 3 years ago....now just 5 mins from Wapha shop! Also, recently discovered a new addiction in Vulpine....
I would wear my original 1980 Raleigh Creda top....except a few Oranjebooms have been sunk since then......
After 4pm am wondering if we might want a wander/fresh air. Maybe Condor Cycles via Ye Olde Mitre.
We will be at Dovetail later. Slow race begins about 6pm I reckon.
Rupert call me if u like 07977 652 247
Brilliant pub.