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  • Ahhh..nice weather and not sure I'll get home in time..
    Can you detail the route, hopefully I may be able to join part way through. Thanks
  • Plan is to use the short route through Abington Piggots.
    Down to Bassingbourn, left at war memorial, left to Abington, left at Litlington church and back round.
  • Ta, hopefully 'catch' you all later.
  • Yep looks like a dry Tuesday evening at last!
    I'll be there (assuming of course the A14 gods are smiling)
  • Sorry I can't make it tonight but I will be joining you when weather and work allows.
  • OK, so we finally got an Intro chain gang going.
    Clearly we were a bit rusty as we agreed to tag along with some of the faster guys who were going to take it easy! We set off on the normal route and decided to split just after South Farm as there were clearly two speeds and it was all a bit ragged.
    Properly reformed at Litlington and got in one decent lap.
    Next week we'll set off as an Intro group running around 20 - 22 mph as originally planned.

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