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Belgium 2011



  • we all sorted now??...guess we'll need to pay up the balance pretty soon..Richard??
  • Yep,
    sorry for the lack of info guys, I've been away and am now very busy at work. Stef is also away.

    Don't panic it's still on, expect to leave around 5am on the Friday, I'll let to all know what the final balance will be once I've liased with Stef.
  • Hi,

    Apologies again for the delay.

    Please could I have cheques made payable to me as soon as possible. Everybody has paid a £50 deposit cheque, which will be paid in tomorrow. Therefore if sharing you’ll need to pay me £160 and if sole occupancy the balance is £200. Cheques payable to ‘R.J.Maynard’. This includes transport and half board in belgium. Thus you’ll only need money for three lunches and drinks.

    The cars are as follows: -

    Stef (driver), Vince, Pete, Mark
    Richard, Martin, Adam, Geoff
    Jeremy, Vic, Kevin

    Please could I ask you to make contact with your driver and visa versa to arrange pick up etc. We should be aiming to leave Ashwell/ Baldock around 5am on the Friday and getting back during Sunday Evening.

    The routes are still as published below but, as always, are open to change. I’m sure Stef will take longer runs and I’ll be happy to take the short cut home!

    As always any questions drop me a line on Richard@ccashwell.com

  • Currently i have the following people as sharing: -

    Me and Martin, and two rooms between Vic, Mark, Pete and Kevin.

    Sole occupancy: -

    Geoff, Stef, Adam, Kevin, jeremy
  • Richard,

    I'll deliver a cheque to your house on the way to the ride on Wednesday.

  • Hi Richard...info.is correct...will drop cheque around this week
  • Hi Guys,

    I'll try again with the accomadation: -

    Sharing: Me, Martin, Mark, Vince, Pete, Vic, Kevin (an odd number - we'll sort this out on the day)

    Sole occupancy - Stef, Geoff, Adam & Jeremy

    None sharers are £250 total or £200 if you've given me a deposit.
    Sharers are £210 or £160 if you've given me a deposit.

    Please could you let me have a cheque for a full amount asap.

  • I think if you check early posts Kevin opted for an unshared room.
  • Spot on Pete, my mistake I think, S on my bit of paper stands for single, mistook it for sharing!

    So Twins: Richard, Martin, VIc, MC, Pete and VInce
    Singles: Geoff, Me, Adam, Kevin and Jeremy.

    Kevin - not heard from you for a while and dont think we got your deposit cheque - can you confirm still coming and get cheques to Richard, cheers.

    Dress code- Friday ride, club kit. Saturday ride - club kit, Belgium shirts - think everyone has either a 2009 or 2010 version or a new one on order. if not let me know and i'll get you a previous year one to borrow.
    Sunday - anything goes - retro 70's or 80's cycling jerseys - only a few quid on ebay, or anything garish, no fig leafs thanks geoff.

    Great news to see you have all been ordering your club tour shirts to wear on Saturdays day out. Sunday is for bad taste, the nastier the better. Dig out those 80s prints. Geoff was the big winner last year, you can' t get away with the same shirt this year Geoffery!!
    No excuses with plenty of tasteless tat on eBay for under a fiver.
    Tour rules apply for non compliance.


    RJM and I will be running for your entertainment a court for any misdemeanors committed whilst on tour, you have been warned. Dob a mate in before they dob you in, oh and they will!
  • do we get a prize for bad taste Martin :-)
  • Very possibly Geoff, my tasteless tat turned up from eBay all for less than 3 quid.
    Can't decide on whether to bring my Ribble or my Brompton. Got mudguards on the Brompton in case it rains but then it only has 2 gears!

    Have beer vouchers and plan on not drinking too much on Friday unlike last year when one of our party Failed to appear ~ Geoffery

  • don't have much memory of that Martin :-)
  • Jeremy,

    I'll drop my bike off at your place on Thursday evening too, at a time to suit you.

    Please send me your address and preferred bike drop off time - vic-brown@vbrown.fsnet.co.uk


  • MC.. sounds good. will be in touch later on email re: meet up times etc
  • BTW - all the shirts are with Geoff, he has the list of sizes etc, have a great trip!
  • Yup..I have them and at this juncture best to distribute when in Belgium.
  • Gents,

    Passport, EHIC card, personal travel insurance if you have it and novelty shirt for Sunday!

  • .............beer money, paracetamol oh and plenty of 2 euro coins.

  • essential survival phrases for Belgium

    de twee bieren tevreden heer.

    ik ben vrolijk

    vooral .... (insert name) ie Geoff

    hoeveel is de vrouwen? essential for MC

    hoeveel is de mensen? essential for Geoff!

    .... is een haan. add name in front. pref Richard!!

    is het geslacht wettelijk met hier dieren? one for Vic!!

    mix and match chaps. these vital phrases will get you a beer, a black eye, a man, woman, beast and laid. not in that order!


    Safe journey
  • Thanks Chris, CCA has always been up for a challenge so we'll see what we can do!
    report back next week..

    Kust m'n kloete
  • First chance to comment - just a quick note to thank all who organised the trip, the rides and routes and the logistics. Another seamless CCA foreign expedition: great rides, great company, great food and great beer. Still pretty knackered but some really great riding. Once again thanks to Richard and Stef - and anyone else - for your efforts. Cheers - and where are we going next year?
  • add my thanks to all who were there for making it another great weekend, especially richard for the routes and history, and also martin l and kit for the design and ordering of the shirts.

    for the record:

    friday, 53 miles 17.2 mph, sunny, blue skies, hot. lunch al fresco in middlekirk.

    saturday, 95 miles 17.0 mph, cloudy a.m., windy all day, and we got a bit wet in the afternoon... wet so inevitable double pro3 puncture (mc) and also a minor off from vic on a roundabout on the sprint into diksmuide. usual hills kemmelberg, monts rouge, noir, cat and cassel. lunch in cassel, coffee/beer in bergues on way back.

    sunday, 38 miles 16.2 mph, langemark, tyne cot and ypres. recovery ride in every sense!

    great weekend, still knackered...
  • p.s. found a new favourite beer... tripel karmeliet, comes with a nice glass too - thanks mc!
  • Great weekend away - a BIG THANKS to Richard and Stef for organizing the trip, Jeremy for driving me there and the rest of the lads for the fun on and off the bike.

    Overdid the malted recovery drinks a bit on Saturday night, anyone have any recollection as to why I woke up with a Jesters hat in Belgian national colours??

    Cheers and thanks

  • Yes a great trip all round. Cannot comment on the jester hat as i did not join you all on the heavy bevie that night.
    Thanks Richard for another great one and to all for great company
    Stef ditto for a relaxing and most pleasant drive out and back as well.
    For the record can we please have the hill of the mountains rankings and any other statistics

    Jeremy i would like to take you up on that offer to inspect the bikes. can you email your details to vjfriedlander@gmail.com and i will try to pop round when it is convenient to you. am around this weekend if that suites.

    count me in for next year - destination TBC. Probably need a base with a night life for the revelers.
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