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Ride London Club Challenge - Breaking News...



  • I was more interested in downloading the profile on my computer, before putting on the Garmin, so I could take a more detailed look at the gradients etc...good to know where the pain is coming and also to break the ride into 4 25mile segments, rather than looking at it as a 100 miler. I might get lost though coming from the hotel in Epping Forest at 5am...the official website doesn't give me route from there...closed roads and all!!

  • Pop the file into the folder called "new files" in the garmin folder. Then it automatically uploads it when you unplug from computer and you can then see it in routes. Hope that helps.

  • Er...so if I have the route open in mapmyride, how do I get the file to Garmin Connect, which is the site I use with the 800 Edge?
  • edited August 2013
    BBC1 will be covering Ride London 100, the pro race (London-Surrey Classic), the womens Grand Prix and probably churning out lots of 'entertaining' footage from the London Festival of Cycling in general:

    11:30-14:00 - Pro race starts at 12:45. Most CCA riders start just before 07:00 (on the same course) and will have battled their way up Leith Hill and Box Hill by 11:30am, aiming to finish at 1:00-2:30pm on The Mall

    16:30-18:30 - Pros expected to finish around 17:30-18:00 on The Mall. Anybody doing Ride London 100 who isn't on track to finish before 5 will be bundled off the course and into a van, so they don't get in the way of the pros or the TV crews!
  • I cannot see anywhere from the information sent to me if I am to start from the 'Black' or 'Blue' area, although the latter seems most appropriate given our club colours! Has anyone else been sent these details, or do they tell you when you register at the Excel centre? And no jokes about certain areas of the bosy being black and blue after the finish!!
  • it is in the infopack that you collect from excel - i am blue.......
  • They tell you when you register, its on the numbers and documentation they give you.
    Also which start "wave" you are in.
    I registered last night. It was a lot easier and quicker than I expected, although I guess Saturday might be a lot busier.
    There was a good buzz in the cycle show too, lots of stuff you can do - watt bikes, sky, wiggle shop, bmx demo's etc
    even rather amusingly a beet-it beetroot juice stall next to the bar selling pints... only in cycling...

    i am in the blue start, wave g, so guess all the team entrants will be the same.
    all very exciting...
  • Thanks.....I must be blue as well then...am going to register during my lunchbreak today. Very excited and a tad nervous already....altough I managed to crawl up Ventoux two weeks ago, I left any form I had there!
  • from my experience of mass participation closed road events, like the etape,
    you need to be very aware of other riders in the first 5 to 10 miles.
    after that the field will thin out quite quickly, and you can ride freely.

    but for the first 5 -10 miles theres no point getting frustrated or trying to ride fast, you will have people around you who have never ridden in groups, and people who let the adrenalin get the better of them and try and force their way past. initially it will be very crowded.
    just focus on staying safe and in control.

    as it also says in the article jackie posted above, theres no point overdoing it in the first couple of hours - enjoy it and keep something in reserve for the run into london after the surrey hills - with a forecast tail wind and a fast run in thats the time to have some fun and push the pace for a sprint down the mall.
  • Any suggestions on how we can find each other in the start area? I guess we are all making our own way to the start so it will be difficult.

    Is this a blue train event?
  • Although it is difficult to be sure, I suspect those with the same start time / wave etc will be able to find each other in the loading area, and start together. -so thats all the teams of four i think.
    we will probably also identify a point somewhere along the course to rendezvous... so for anyone who ends up starting at the front of the wave for example and knows the other cca riders are behind them, they can wait there for a few minutes for the others to catch up.
    also people can wait if they want to for any of the riders starting later than them.

    i'm confident we'll get some decent cca groups riding together, although inevitably like any sportive not everyone will be able to meet up and not everyone will have the same pace so some splits are inevitable.
  • Blue start area for me as well....number 11644 come in...your time is up! Registration was very easy and well organised. Lots going on, but nowhere as big as say, National Cycle Show at NEC. A few bikes to look at, High 5, SIS, Gatorade, Team Sky and Wiggle stands...freebies as well (beetroot juice, cherry juice, pistachios!), plus chance to virtual race others via Tacx computer on Gorges du Verdon simulated road....I did that for real 2 weeks ago, so passed on the opportunity! Souvenir t-shirts, clothing suppliers etc.

    I will proudly be wearing my CC Ashwell top on Sunday and hopefully we can pick each other out in the early dawn light! Let me know of any rendezvous points along the course...so that I can get back on the Blue Train!
  • Blue start for me. I am really panicking about the start having never done an event of this size and really worried about gettin to the loading area and route to drop off point.
    Keep having a nightmare of being stuck in traffic and missing 6.38 start.
    I will be in ashwell finest team top looking forward to finding everyone hopefully!
  • Put a massive ccashwell on the big poster outside on the first hill - see if you can find it! Got my number 11641 in G loading in blue!
  • I put a large Go CC Ashwell at the top of the Leith Hill part of the poster! Used all of my 6 feet 3" to get there!
  • Sure you'll be fine Tom - it will be very well organised and signposted and there'll be loads of other cyclists to follow.
    just make sure you're route to the drop off area/car park doesnt include any of the closed roads - for example the a12 is closed.
  • Me and David are numbers 11647 and 648 in blue wave G as well so it should be fairly easy to spot everyone in their CCA gear. Where are people sticking their frame sticker - slightly worried it may take off the paint....

    See you sun
  • Ditto Emma - so what I did was cut a little backing of each end and then kept the middle part intact so damage limitation. (sure my helmet suggests no stickers as well - so did the same here!)
  • I hadn't considered that...stickers already applied!
  • I ave drop off point c kings land road start time 6.38 this is going to be immense....
  • How big is the kit bag?
    Can one get a full change of clothes in it?
  • Hi Adam,

    It's pretty big 55x45cm and I would say you would get a full change of clothes in it. However it doesn't look particularly easy to carry on a bike. Having said that you could carry a different bag and then just put it inside the kit bag for the lorries.

    See you tomorrow
  • Top tip - put all your kit in a rucksack and put this in the kitbag.

    I think all of CCA must be in the blue wave and G spot. Hopefully it will be easy to find...
  • Black area for me.
    6.50 start, leave a crumb trail for me.
  • good luck guys! have fun!!
  • Is anyone else at car park P??
    If so what time are you planning on getting there?
    Fancy meeting and ridding over?
  • Results are uploaded and I am so happy with my time. Great day out and amazing company thanks everyone. :)
  • Very pleased with my time in my first century. Wasn't as bad as I feared and grateful for all the support at the side of the road. Sprint finishing on the Mall was an experience I'll never forget. CC Ashwell male team 3 time was 5.24.56.
  • So sorry for lumbering "male team 1" with my time of 7:16:37 - at least individual times were recorded! I managed to stick with you until Hammersmith Bridge, but 20+ was not sustainable for me, and I bailed out for a slower ride, and was able to enjoy what was a fantastic day right up those hills, leisurely stocking up at the hubs and onto the mall with a smile for the cameras! Thanks again to Stef, who arranged this so well for us, I am so pleased to have been part of what will be the only first RideLondon100!

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