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  • It's 8:00am and 2 degrees and judging by the movement of the trees the wind isn't too strong. There is a light flurry of snow but it looks to be the warmest ride this year so far. I live in Biggleswade but I can't imagine it's much different in Ashw…
  • Just what I'm looking for, I agree Sue, lets hope there is no wind.

    Pete T

    (I'm going to have to change my name, there is too many of us!)
  • Hi George, 26 miles sound right up my street. The temperature looks OK for Saturday at the moment but if it is heavy rain with a wind it could get bitterly cold. when do you think you will make a decision? Should I check back on Saturday morning at …
  • I'm up for a 20-24 miler Stef, need to build my legs back up again before I attempt a 35 miler, three months off the bike and I'm back to square one again (Christmas didn't help either).

    Pete T
  • I'm interested, 35 miles at a stead pace and with a break I should be able to cope with ( I haven't been out for months). Are you starting at 9:30 from the Three Tons?

    Pete T ( Not to be confused with PeterT) I'm quite new to CC Ashwell.
  • Haven't been on a ride for months, just rebuilt my old bike and am raring to go, but not sure I could keep up with you guys for 37 miles. Anyone doing 25 or so route tomorrow?

    Pete T