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  • ...dont disagree with you Geoff. Look at the road side support for Direct Energie and Romain Bardet the great french hope (22nd) but 'passionate' should not not exclusive to the home nation surely Cycling must move on from Lance, the salbutabal debac…
  • DB was forced to apologize for the 'Its a french thing' comment but interesting to note that this anti-sky behavior apparently doesn't happen in Spain or Italy and i feel a great shame for cycling. Certainly comments by Bernard Hinault and La Monde …
  • I don't disagree with any of the above DB orchestrated and oversaw a new way of training with Team Sky mainly driven by Tim Kerrison who interestingly does not have a cycling background and supported by Rod Ellingworth of course TK is very systema…
  • lol...thanks Vic
  • Despair shared and some good points here although a lot of separate issues so lets go... Firstly, I believe the ethos of the team still remains and that it is by its nature is a work in progress. There has been some lapse along the way notably with…
  • Thanks, just typed in 'Epic ride lube' in search engine upon reflection perhaps not a good idea
  • Thanks for a great morning and good call on the weather Apologises for my poor group riding skills as turbo training took its toll, steering and unclipping when stopped was a bit of a novelty as well! On the plus side, great company and banter alth…
  • Old dogs! yep i am definitely in the right place.... Who let the dogs out? [Who, who, who, who?!] I see ya' little speed boat head up our coast She really want to skip town Get back ruffy, Get that scruffy Get back you flea infested mongrel [pant] …
  • Sorry stuck in port and sounds like i missed a good one, wife has tonsilitis so daddy day care for me although more like IT consultant these days Same again next week?
  • errr favourite position? i think you will find its more the flexible nature the capt applies to on if, when and where the sprint actually happens. The finish line usually being just in front of his wheel, just after he has passed me Not that i am b…
  • yep i am interested....same banter welcome Pete2needsaboost
  • Good to see you back John, soon blow away those cobwebs!!!
  • Hey Captain, good to hear from you but sorry to hear you your not up to battle speed. Interested in recovery ride...should be errhh interesting as my first ride on the turbo i managed a 202 bpm max which strangely was the same as when i opened my Ba…
  • Happy New Year all Hope your feeling better John and a hell of way to get out of the Christmas washing up! but seriously i wish you a speedy recovery Had a tricky year myself, last meaningful ride in Oct 2015 but started on the turbo Jan 1 so hope…
  • Happy Birthday James... hope to be back on the bike soon Pete
  • ...and lighter so it tends not to 'bounce' in the pocket. iphone 6 - 138.1 x 67 x 6.9 @129 grams, iphone 4s 115.2 x 58.6 x 9.3 @ 140 grams. Hope that helps
  • Andy, there are lots of tutorials on Youtube on how to set up and use Garmins if thats of help Just a thought Pete2
    in . Comment by pete2 February 2016
  • Black Pig falling apart....never! merely putting its trotters up for the festive season maybe Good to see a turbo session Captain and drafting the garage door very wise Looking nasty out there so probably for the best Hope to ride with you soon …
  • Thanks for a great ride Full winter mode??? surely a mere Autumn/Spring steed with the exclusion of the deadly 'M' word?? Spin, spin, big ring a sin but at least with the 'M' word the rain don't get in Peter 2willneedgogglestofollowcp
  • Sorry to hear about your eye John and wish you a full and speedy recovery Now where did i put that left turn? Pete2goingroundincircles
  • Great ride thanks Extra thanks to Jane and Nick for a nice lead out which was to be fair more of a hanging on as Jane took pity on my miserable effort Captain on fine form, my favourite comment being ' next left!!! i think there is a left down here…
  • Hi Andy Did you get into a fight with a gang of Muntjac! On a serious note, not good reading and i hope you get better soon buddy, sounds nasty. Pete2
    in . Comment by pete2 July 2015
  • Yes with all the talk of diets i tried the 'drink your body weight in cider' the night before the ride Good ride with some great highlights such as our little blast with Nick out front and then John taking the reins I turned off early and got full …
  • Whilst we are on the subject of names changes, i propose Sergeant Pain changes to CP 2 as he is picking up the captains bad habits. Me = 'Andy are you sprinting today? Andy - ' No! you go ahead i am staying at the back' Agreed a great lead out by…
  • Missed you today John, great ride and no doubt the captain will write it up shortly. Best of luck with the diet that's a lot of weight to shift. Pete2
  • Hi FD Not good news, hope it gets better soon Pete2
  • New pair of legs and a set of lungs that don't sound like a set of broken bagpipes!!
  • Hi Tim, If it helps, I spoke to Carolyn and the discounts are as mentioned and in-line with what they offer other clubs in the area 5% off new bikes 10% off Accessories Labour is not discounted As you know they are nice people down there and Ca…
  • Good ride out and nice to see we are also sharing dietary advice although ours tend to lend itself to the more fuller figure. I still follow Nicks advice that's it's not extra weight but extra power Good to see though that at least stig is losing …
  • Agreed FD Your form will be back soon enough as your break wasn't that long, my guess is that your right about the jet lag and workload - 11 hours sleep, you must have needed it I am up for tomorrow afternoon and pass obtained subject to be being g…